
Sekhem (translation: power) is the Ancient Egyptian modality of spiritual healing, similar to what Reiki is for Japan. Although all healing is conceptually the same, each shamanic (natural/land) modality develops the flavor of its land and civilization.

Ancient Egyptians were religious people who believed in justice, balance and order, embodied in Goddess Maat. From that concept, all other archetypes were created as specific expressions (i.e. Osiris for rulership and stability, Hathor for love and joy, etc.)

A specific archetype was personified to represent the power and potency of anger to balance things when injustice takes place: Sekhmet, who Maryam titles The Arm of Maat.


With a Sekhmet statue at Karnak Temple, on the day of her Sekhem initiation, Feb. 10, 2015.

Goddess Sekhmet (translation: power + female conj.) is deity of war and healing. This is because outside conflict can sometimes only be healed by going to war, and, when it’s inward, one requires healing to balance it out.

Her energy signifies the entrance to all other archetypes of Ancient Egypt, when in a healing context. This means her energy is like a vehicle that carries one through their long-term healing journey, whatever it is they need.

A fundamental condition for Sekhem to work is that the free will of the receiver be aligned. Nothing goes through or helps with anything except with the openness of the seeker.


Sekhem (translation: power) is the Ancient Egyptian modality of spiritual healing, similar to what Reiki is for Japan. Although all healing is conceptually the same, each shamanic (natural/land) modality develops the flavor of its land and civilization.

Ancient Egyptians were religious people who believed in justice, balance and order, embodied in Goddess Maat. From that concept, all other archetypes were created as specific expressions (i.e. Osiris for rulership and stability, Hathor for love and joy, etc.)

A specific archetype was personified to represent the power and potency of anger to balance things when injustice takes place: Sekhmet, who Maryam titles The Arm of Maat.

Goddess Sekhmet (translation: power + female conj.) is deity of war and healing. This is because outside conflict can sometimes only be healed by going to war, and, when it’s inward, one requires healing to balance it out.

Her energy signifies the entrance to all other archetypes of Ancient Egypt, when in a healing context. This means her energy is like a vehicle that carries one through their long-term healing journey, whatever it is they need.

A fundamental condition for Sekhem to work is that the free will of the receiver be aligned. Nothing goes through or helps with anything except with the openness of the seeker.


  • Basic Frequency
    • Channeling takes form of simple hands-on healing as with a lot of other healing modalities, and it also can be changed solely with intention for an individual or a group.
    • Protection is a spontaneous act since the flow is kundalini energy that protects from within as much as from without.
  • Sound Frequency
    Known all over the world since ancient times, sound is an indispensable tool in healing. The frequencies Maryam channels are totally spontaneous as with everything else, and are meant to “shake to awaken” consciousness on a cellular level.
    – Chanting and percussion: These were the first sound tools given to Maryam upon her initiation. Her vocal ability has developed over the years, giving her more mastery of sound, making people sometimes think she was formally trained when she wasn’t. Her voice opened as an organic effect of her constant channeling of chants. She receives the tune in her ears and tries to get it out the way she receives it. With practice, her voice has opened up and now doesn’t only heal but is also usually entertaining to listen to.
    – Light language: Maryam channels two light languages which she first channeled after her brother’s death in 2016. The first one is of Ancient Egyptian vibration, and the second, is called the Meia. It sounds more “robotic” and is of cosmic origin. The latter is the only healing tool Maryam has acquired from an another human being, a French shaman, though it was still a spontaneous initiation, not a conscious one.
    – Wisdom prose: Maryam is fluent in only Arabic and English. Her circles and sessions usually include channeled prose of wisdom that relate on deep levels to the receiver(s).
    – Silence: Remaining the “King” of sound, silence is an integral part of any sound work, filling the spaces with energy sound will not express.
  • Various Items
    • Natural items: Crystals, plants (edible or not), herbs, stones, etc. Using such gifts of nature intuitively helps focus the intended healing and fulfill the purpose of the channeling.
    • Talismans: Any non-organic item may be used for its symbolic potency, sentimental importance, etc.


Generally, balance (Maat) is the single target Sekhem has, bringing everything back to a state of stability where everything falls into place, and develops authenticity and sovereignty.

On a more specific level, this includes and is not limited to spiritual and ancestral karma, with all its physical, emotional and mental manifestations; possession; addiction; and inexplicably chronic physical* symptoms.

*DISCLAIMER: Maryam does NOT magically “heal” anyone, but the energy MIGHT help, along with getting proper medical consultation from specialists.

When Sekhem does help in such situations, it is only because of a mental shift having finally taken place (which neutralizes a psychosomatic symptom) or foreign-energy removal.

Hosted by her mentor to lead a Brilliance-Sekhem circle in Cairo, 2017.

Foreign Connections

Along with Sekhem and its connections to all Egyptian archetypes, ancient and non-ancient, Maryam has, over the years, developed two significant foreign connections: Buddha and Ganesha. Being two major lessons in her wisdom teachings, it comes as no surprise she eventually connected with these two major symbols.

Buddha and the Zen state are a perfect depiction of Balance and the perfection of Inner Marriage. As for Ganesha, and, Maryam being a Capricorn herself, has been a huge Guide for her, removing blockages of karma from her path, along with everything they represent, helping her move forward in her life every day.

Maryam’s also generally connected to the Hindu tradition and has connected intuitively to several annual celebrations before she mentally learned about them, such as Ganesha Chaturthi and Mahalaya Amavasya.