
These are Maryam’s long-founded core values that drive her personal life and professional practice equally. Those who work with her need to have full awareness of them beforehand:

Old-Age Shamanism

Shamanism is a natural ability for some people called who are called by Spirit to serve this way. It is intuitive work, not related to mind, ego desire, and certainly cannot be obtained by “certifying” to be one.

To become a shaman, a person normally endures countless hardships and ordeals, usually including near-death experiences. It is in living the teachings and embodying them that one eventually becomes qualified to guide others through the same.

Spirit only talks to those who truly listen.

Astrology and genetics play a key role in the ability to deal with the occult the way a shaman does. Not everyone can be a shaman. Not everyone can work with one, either. Few are equipped with a psyche that continuously go to such depths. This process requires courage to strip oneself from the old and become something foreign entirely. It demands meeting parts of the self (both light and shadow) which others would live multiple lives denying the existence of.

With a Dutch group at the Giza Pyramids, 2018.

Old age shamanism holds no initiations at the will of a “client.” Any such rituals, when held, are raw, organic and spur-of-the-moment. If meant to, a seeker will be initiated on the spot, in a channeled part of any work being done, once ready and meant to receive. Their initiation will manifest in whichever way that fits their own consciousness.

Protection practices are also “organic.” No one attracts to themselves anything they aren’t. “Raise your vibration and evil has no way to find you,” Maryam contends. “When ready, possession will be cleared; karmic chords will be cut and soul retrieval will take place; you will meditate and no unloving entities will be able to tamper with you.”

Anything forced/premature does not work, since the soul is what guides the shamanic process—not the ego, not the mind.


Detachment from outcome is the first type. The intention is always set for the highest possible result, regardless of what that means. The conscious mind has a limited capacity and almost always fails to imagine the possibilities, sticking itself to a minute goal and missing the big picture and fun of the ride that life is.

Therefore, only ascension and manifesting one’s heart’s desires, whatever they are, are kept in mind and heart. Any energy work led by the mind, asking for a specific outcome is black magic that the shaman does not participate in.

One also must detach from feeling a certain way. Inner work doesn’t have to feel good in the short-term. There is hardly any instant gratification in the shamanic process. One will sometimes have to allow all the negative coming out of them. It will not be pretty, but one has to accept it, just as when the experience will be blissful. Denial is not an option in shamanic work.

The third form of detachment is the one to affiliation. No topics are off-the-table, no matter how triggering or “culturally-inappropriate,” should they come up (and they always do!). Do not expect the shaman to either be liberal or conservative for she is equally both and neither.

Wisdom teachings do not fit into any labels, and the seeker will eventually have to deal with “taboo” topics such as race and culture, etc. Once belonging and affiliation are acknowledged, any imbalances in them can finally be dealt with and healed. Doing this is the only way to an overall balanced individual and community.

Constant Projections

The world is a constant matrix, showing us reflections of our inner world, whether we like it or not. Any experience, situation or emotion/sensation deemed negative manifests to guide us towards healing and ascension.

The universe does not play around; neither does it waste its time. Only humans sometimes choose to waste theirs.

The shaman has witnessed most those who experiment with spirituality only focus on the work in session, forgetting the inner work during actual living. For her, spirituality is a full-time job as life never stops throwing lessons our way. At each moment, one has to look deep and figure out the point of the experience. This makes one see it as a chance to respond in a love-based manner, causing purification and ascension.

A key projection Maryam uses in her work is the spiritual meaning of physical symptoms, whatever type of discomfort, illness or injury they are. The human body is tuned to the spiritual system and never expresses anything irrelevant.

Working with Mythology

A very significant disclaimer is that what we refer to as ancient gods and goddesses (Ancient Egyptian or other) are mere personified energies within all of us. Because of our different DNA, we embody each archetype with a different intensity and balance, creating the difference in our personalities and heart’s desires. Through the healing process, we activate and balance such energies within ourselves, depending on the soul’s plan. Maryam does not work with anyone who believes otherwise, or uses a connection to a deity as a privilege.