

Maryam’s ancestors have been Nile-Valley Upper Egyptians since the 11th century, AD, who have worked mainly in agriculture. Immersed in nature and a potent land close to the Necropolis of Meir, Asyut, it’s a family of psychics. Her paternal grandfather was a grand Sufi teacher in his village, who people thought of as a source of blessings. Her paternal grandmother was a shaman who healed serious illnesses such as infertility, cataract and rickets. Her maternal grandmother was known for her premonition abilities. Maryam’s own mother was a clairvoyant and intuitive. She was raised to her stories of mediumship.
Spirituality was no foreign concept to her since an early age.

A typical middle and Capricorn child, Maryam had a suppressed childhood and felt she needed to act like an adult to be approved of. Her mother was always resentful and frustrated and took it out on Maryam and her siblings, while the father was too distracted managing tight finances to maintain the emotional balance of the house.

Maryam attended nun school, where she soon was taught discipline and to excel academically to be feel seen. Religious confusion also stemmed there; she wondered why others would be classified as wrong or “going to hell” if they were good people.

Nature was also always a big part of Maryam’s upbringing. She loved to play in the fields, catching frogs and butterflies, making pottery from soil and playing with animals.

Writing and singing were hobbies ever since she can remember, and Ancient Egypt was a huge obsession.
The simultaneous recognition and blocking of her authentic voice started at this stage, before she was ten years old.


Maryam traveled with her family to Kuwait where she experienced discrimination from her peers. This is where she won a major writing contest without mentionable effort. It was even before she traveled that she grew fond of inspirational songs, and eventually developed the dream to write a novel.

By her twenties, her voice was further challenged and suppressed. She fell for the peer pressure of following strict religion to fit in. She wore the veil and became depressed. She tried to join the theater activity at university but soon backed down because of her father pressuring her to focus only on academia.

Romantically, she suffered feeling invisible, calling herself the “unlovable” at several stages. Then, a series of heavy narcissistic encounters took their toll on her, and she got into a vicious pattern of confusing desire for love, never getting the real thing.

Her first encounter of spiritual topics was during her adolescence, mainly astrology and dream interpretation. She’d also heard of energy healing, though it remained a distant, alluring topic.


In 2007, Maryam finally tried Reiki, and her experience was so mind-blowing, she went on a quest to understand how energy worked. At some point, she watched The Secret, and, although she later developed reservations on its oversimplification of spirituality, it put her on a new level in perceiving reality. All she desired at the time was to become self-confident and heal her relationship issues.

She started practicing meditation in 2008, with qigong. Before she turned 30, she’d learned the importance of following her intuition. Slowly, this made a lot of her false programming fall apart. The biggest one would perhaps be how she viewed religion. In 2011, she finally took off the veil and started expressing her true self. This experience freed her from the pressure of society and taught her to always have an open mind about her formed opinions.

In 2012, after a series of very unfortunate events, she suffered undiagnosed PTSD. Speaking to her Reiki teacher, she introduced to her, for the first time, the concept of transformation, how it’s usually preceded with difficult times. This was also an experience that made her lose her trust in psychiatry.


2013 was a huge year for Maryam. It started out with her abruptly starting her serious spiritual quest, having her faith shattered when she tried to logic her way through it. The amount of perceived injustices she’d experienced by now would not let her eyes remain closed any longer. She had a knowing from the first moment that she wouldn’t find “truth” in books or through people. All she was able to do was keep herself open, genuinely not expecting anything would happen.

That same year became a series of Firsts: Public performance of dance and singing, writing that would go viral on Facebook, a YouTube channel aimed for Arabs that would get her almost famous, and more. Spiritually, she experienced tantra, past-life visions, channeling, initiation, mediumship and more, all unplanned and naturally.

By the end of 2014, she’d experienced Jesus and Hathor. By early 2015, just before her Sekhem initiation, she saw the Abrahamic God, figuratively, in a vision (an anecdote featured in the novel, Vegan). She regained her faith in Prime Creator, this time upgraded, with inclusion and deep understanding of the world’s religions and how they merge together to represent and teach the same wisdom.


The year that changed Maryam’s life and put her on the main path of her destiny was 2015. She’d planned to visit Luxor in winter to finally understand why she’d always been obsessed with her ancestors, and planned almost a week of temple visits, giving herself the time she needed to meditate and reflect on everything. She describes her arrival to Luxor as a person who’d been lost all their life and had finally gone back home.

Once she went into the Sekhmet Chamber of Karnak Temple, she started getting visions, accompanied with, for the first time in her life, chants she would sing involuntarily. To her mind, it was a very strange activity. To her heart, it was all so familiar that she literally wondered if she’d chanted like that a few minutes prior. It was as if this was “her thing” and she was finally doing something totally natural to her.

That whole year was serious training for her to master the gift she had uncovered, and by the fall, she’d started her professional career as a shaman. She was challenged in many ways by her community who did not appreciate someone to become “so suddenly” gifted without the trodden path of traveling abroad, certification, etc. Maryam developed boundaries the hard way, and fought to defend the sacredness of her Voice.

2016 brought her the soul name, Tamara Maat, that she channeled early spring. The life-shattering accident and death of her only brother soon followed. The heartbreak caused her to channel light languages for the first time within weeks of his passing away. It was also then that she’d finally answered the call to visit St. Catherine, another sacred spot for her, only second to Luxor. Later that year, she finally started receiving seekers for journeys in Luxor.

Since her initiation, Maryam’s life totally changed. It became one of service. Her romantic encounters and relationships are simply a work of tantra, which she uses as a mirror to grow and become more like herself.

In 2019, she was finally guided to pursue writing as a focus of her spirituality. Because of difficult past-life experiences and childhood trauma, it took her almost all year to start writing her first novel, Vegan. She finished the first draft during the COVID-19 quarantine, but her life journey took her on several other phases before she was able to bring it to the world in 2022.

She is now working on a second novel that focuses on twin-flame energy and the “unreality” of reality. She expects it to be released by 2023.

Meditating inside Medinat Habu, Luxor, 2018.