
Maryam Massoud’s logo recounts her philosophy at a glance:

The feather

  • It’s an ostrich feather, Maat’s, who symbolizes balance, purity and truth.
  • It also represents writing and the connection to Thoth, god of knowledge, writing and wisdom, Consort of goddess Maat.
  • Eight lines signify the power of the word and creation, connecting to Ptah, god of craftsmanship.
  • The erect shape represents the stability of Osiris, and, overall, masculine energy and the power of manifestation.
  • It leans towards the left, inferring the main source of wisdom is intuition.

Hand-illustrated logo design.

The wings

  • Two wings: Another symbol of balance. The division of the colors within them is further confirmation on important values:
    • Six (white): The six-pointed star symbolizes the meeting of heaven and earth and and is an ascended representation of Maat principle. Both the spiritual and the material are needed for balanced living.
    • Seven (turquoise): The spiritual number of wisdom, another representation of Thoth in the logo.
    • Thirteen (total): Gaia/Isis number. The rulership of the divine feminine who infuses peace and serenity into one’s life.
  • Right & Left
    • East & West: The illustration of the angles starts at the right side and ends at the left, expressing constant death, rebirth and transformation.
    • Polarity: Stands for inner marriage and its expression in the outside world.
  • Sun: As the wings curve, they create the shape of the sun at the center:
    • Allowing one’s truth to shine, resulting in perfect authenticity.
    • Leading from the heart according to one’s own values and intuition, developing personal sovereignty.
    • Direct reference to joy, the highest goal of Maryam’s philosophy.
  • Encircling: Another symbol representing sovereignty.
  • Curved: Expression of feminine vibration, Isis’s, as opposed to Osiris’s in the feather.

Freehand illustration

  • Maryam manually illustrated and painted the logo herself before it was digitalized. With this, she expressed the following:

    • Authenticity: Everything Maryam does comes from the soul and has to have soul in it.
    • The logo was channeled from start to finish, and encompassing the spirit of Bes, god of humor and caretaker of children, maintaining childlike joy, which is the ultimate goal of Maryam’s work.