
The expression of the energy, whether during a formal channeling, touring the land and/or chatting with Maryam, expect the discourse to be filled of the following:


Maryam follows her intuition in everything she does, so, although initial plans might be set, there is always a sense of spontaneity and adventure. You never know what lies ahead. She doesn’t know, either, and she teaches it’s a good thing!


Having been a teacher since 2005 before she specialized in the spiritual domain, and following her intuition and wisdom, Maryam is skillful in knowing when to be soft and when to offer tough love. Because she sees the underlying cause of a person’s words or act, she deals with it the proper way at each given moment, leading the situation to be love-based and not controlled by negative beliefs. Since no two moments are the same, no typical response is to be expected of her.

Easter Sekhem circle and communion in Cairo, 2018.


Because everything is done with the free will of the seeker, timelines swiftly change, up or down, and Maryam, accordingly, deals with each situation as they come.


No situation, experience, or even a word is taken on a surface level with Maryam. In shamanism everything is symbolic and it all has meaning. Prepare to see the world and yourself with depth you’ve never experienced before.


As with all wisdom teachers, they don’t always explain what they’re doing or how or why on the spot. Sometimes the point is to trust; others it’s about daring to stay with the question, etc. Living such mystery is a big trigger for many, as it requires temporary relinquishing of control.


Sekhem is a fest of lymphatic-system detoxing, so expect overactive-system symptoms from Maryam, like any genuine shaman, and even eventually from yourself. Typical symptoms include burping, coughing, yawning, salivating/spitting and vomiting. All other purging symptoms are possible, and it’s why extra self-care is always recommended during Sekhem work.


Maryam’s life has been and remains one long series of endless lessons, and the work she does with everyone is really deep. She’s developed a natural skill to meet such roughness with humor to ease the experience for herself and others. Expect humor to play a big role in your work with her, although, of course, always depending on context.


Since Sekhem focuses on transformation more than anything else, it is hardly ever subtle or relaxing. Intensity is the usual description experiencers describe it with, be it blissful or triggering. Sometimes the energy is perceived as the Light it is directly, and other times it penetrates through the Shadow in human DNA, uncovering deep layers that need to be healed.