
With a group from Egypt, France and India, Luxor, 2019.


Stemming from the wisdom that inner work is never-ending, Maryam allots packages for seekers who wish to build upon the wisdom attained from the introductory session. Packages take them into a path of healing and wisdom, fulfilling the three cornerstones of her teachings: Balance, Authenticity, and Sovereignty.

Each package is made up of four sessions with a validity of 60 days. A further package may be booked only when the spiritual lessons and “homework” from a previous package has been completed. This is assessed by Maryam via an e-mail or WhatsApp discussion with the seeker. She sets this rule as she believes the wisdom and healing that come through for each person must be fully ‘digested’ before moving forward.

During the sessions, Maryam will be guided intuitively and according to each case to which tool/type of session to offer each time. The package could include any of the above-mentioned individual sessions, excluding past-life regression hypnosis.

Personal Coaching

These sessions are held in a form of discussions where Maryam listens to the seeker’s issue(s)/concerns and guides them on the best course(s) to take.

Sekhem Healing

Pure energy work, where Maryam channels intense Sekhem to help balance a person’s system. These sessions don’t require a Zoom connection. Maryam will provide you with ample instructions beforehand and feedback is sent to you through text or audio messages afterwards, where you could ask end-of-sessions questions.

Wisdom Reading

Another wisdom session, similar to the Gateway/introductory one, whenever the seeker is truly in need of further intuitive guidance and support

Once the payment is done, you will receive an e-mail to start setting appointments.


Although Maryam is strictly against offering conscious initiations into her discipline, she has experienced spontaneous initiations through her to several seekers. The conditions when this happens depend on the seeker’s own nature, in addition to readiness, having worked with Maryam for a considerable amount of time, with powerful depth. The initiations manifest differently for each individual and develop depending on the level and sincerity of the inner work.

Accordingly, the shaman offers Mentorship packages only for seekers she logically and intuitively evaluates as ready, without promise of initiation, into whichever unique gift their soul means to activate. On a practical level, the sessions take a similar form to the coaching sessions.

Booking for this service is only open by arrangement, but costs the same as a coaching package.

With a group from Poland, USA and South Africa, Luxor, 2017.

Coaching/Mentoring Package

Pay Now: Sliding Scale 180-720USD* (Flexible rate within a range. Please use your heart to decide a number within the limit. Make sure it’s a win-win exchange.)

• LOCAL Egyptians, please send me for local rates and means of payment.
• Face-to-face sessions, workshops and tours FOR TOURISTS to Egypt are offered for different rates and only by approval.
Please contact for inquiry.  
“Maryam travels to the depths of your soul to bring to the surface the clearest messages needed for your growth. Her work is best characterized by a very unique skill set. I can assure you that you’ve not met anyone like her.”
Maggie Valera