
Coaching/Mentoring Package


Stemming from the wisdom that inner work is never-ending, Maryam allots packages for seekers who wish to build upon the wisdom attained from the introductory session. Packages take them into a path of healing and wisdom, fulfilling the three cornerstones of her teachings: Balance, Authenticity, and Sovereignty.


Although Maryam is strictly against offering conscious initiations into her discipline, she has experienced spontaneous initiations through her to several seekers. The conditions when this happens depend on the seeker’s own nature, in addition to readiness, having worked with Maryam for a considerable amount of time, with powerful depth. The initiations manifest differently for each individual and develop depending on the level and sincerity of the inner work.

Pay Now: Sliding Scale 180-720USD* (Flexible rate within a range. Please use your heart to decide a number within the limit. Make sure it’s a win-win exchange.)